Title: IMAGE representation of Samir in the MUSEUM of SACRED ART OUR LADY of the ROSARY: a relationship with the source of the Marian cult in the early days of Christianity.

Author: Aldilene Legaspi


The present research aims to make a research about the representation of Sant'Ana in the region of Brazil-Pará. With this in mind, we will seek to emphasize the meaning that Samir has for the religious community. To this end, we will establish a relationship with the Marian cult in the early days of Christianity, doing a comparison between past and present. We seek to understand the cultural history and the ways in which she has developed over the ages, examining the representations that are present in society. We seek to understand also the symbolic power and its structures. Designing the way the religious discourse is structured will be vital, since it regulates socially people, something that will make us understand how worship mariano and later the cult of Sant'Ana, in a Christian society that did not see with good eyes the female figure. With regard to the representation of Sant'Ana in the cultural context in Portugal, it was observed that people still attach the same meanings that have been encouraged at the beginning of the cult of Saint, something that makes us understand that Samir has strong representation in scenario bragantino, considering that we found the Holy images in different environments, such as the Museum of sacred art Our Lady of the Rosary the church Our Lady of the Rosary and in the community of the Calusa.

Venue: UFPA-Campus Bragança-classroom PPLSA

Date: 12/7/2015-Monday

Time: 9:00