Agreement with the National Indian Foundation (FUNAI) for the treatment and cataloging of the SPI documentation from 1910 - 1968, coordinated by Professor Vanderlúcia da Silva Ponte
Association of the Indigenous Group Tembé das Aldeias Sede, Ytuaçu to support the preparation of a project to raise funds for the recovery of degraded areas in the Indigenous Territory of the Upper Rio Guamá, coordinated by Professor Vanderlúcia da Silva Ponte
Performance in social movements such as the Rural Education Forum, Youth and Adult Education Movement in Pará Actions in partnership with the Municipal Education Departments of Bragança, Augusto Corrêa and Tracuateua, coordinated by Professor Georgina Negrão Kalife Cordeiro.
Acting on the Deliberative Council of the Caete-Taperaçu Extractive Reserve (RESEX-Mar) through Professor Luis Junior Costa Saraiva and Professor Roberta Sá Leitão Barboza
Acting on the Deliberative Council of the Tracuateua Extractive Reserve, through Professor Norma Cristina Vieira e Costa