Today [06/06/2024], Professor PhD Norma Cristina Vieira Costa [coordinator of the PPLSA] (UFPA) received the Guiramã cloak, made by artisan Manoel Zacarias from Quilombo João Grande, Viseu-PA. She thanked him for the gift and, on meeting other local artisans mentioned in the conversation, was delighted with the cultural richness of Viseu.
The teacher praised Viseu's artistic diversity, which includes painting, sculpture, music, theater, and literature. In painting, artists such as Fábio Reis stand out, showing works of art that portray the essence of Amazonian life; in sculpture, artists such as Elias Pinheiro and Wilson Jorge work with different materials, reflecting the local cultural identity.
Viseu's music is celebrated for its folkloric tradition, and local festivals keep the region's musical memory alive. The teacher also mentioned the literary works "Viseu Contada de Várias Formas" and "A Cultura Viseuense Contada do Nosso Jeito", in the collection of the UFPA Library (Bragança), as important research references.
In short, Viseuense art, with its varied expressions, preserves traditions and enriches the cultural life of the city. We thank Professor Norma Cristina for the care with which she received this sample of our cultural wealth.
Author: Raimundo Gonçalves.