Interdisciplinary dialogues with society
The Program develops research and extension activities in Coastal Socioenvironmental Studies, with coastal community members in the Bragantina Zone, in order to dialog with local society on gender and coastal socioenvironmental resources in areas of Extractive Reserve in Interdisciplinary action between study and research groups from UFPA / Bragança (ESAC, GUEAM and LABPEXCA Laboratory).
Interdisciplinary and interinstitutional action between study and research groups, through GEIPAM / UFPA, Federal Institute of Pará, Campus Bragança and the Official Press of the State of Pará, through the series "knowledge and cultural heritage of the Amazon", a set of didactic materials and educational, films and interactive websites about the knowledge of the peoples of the forest.
Research and Extension with young black men and women from the Amazon of Pará, through the Center for Afro-Brazilian Studies - NEAB and the Center for Studies on Teacher Training and Ethnic-Racial Relations – GERA Center, in order to create and promote practices that are inspired by Afro-Brazilian and African cosmogony, in all areas of knowledge and school subjects, to contribute to the formation of more critical citizens. It also develops research and Extension in Traditional and Coastal Communities on Assistive Technologies, aiming at providing / expanding functional abilities of people with disabilities and consequently promoting independent life and inclusion.
Research and Extension in Coastal Communities in the Bragantine Amazon aimed at combating child labor, children in situations of social vulnerability and activities for families on the right of children to play and protection, as well as storytelling activities for children and adults, carried out by GEPTE / Childhood. The Program develops research and extension activities through GUEJA and the Paulo Freire Chair, focused on Youth and Adult Education, Rural Education, multi-grade classes and Inclusive Education in the multiple Amazonian realities. In addition to lectures at the Municipal Elementary Schools, Teacher training promoted by the Municipal Education Departments.
The projects also have strong socioenvironmental application, training and contribution to public and private policies with respect to monitoring, management and preservation of natural and environmental resources in mangrove and estuarine-coastal areas such as the projects: Environmental Resources in Resex-Mar Mangroves Caeté-Taperaçu and Socio-political Challenges in Water Management and Territorial Governance.
Interdisciplinary social impact projects
Project in Teias da Amazônia: Subjects, Identities, Territorialities, Languages and Diversities in PROCAD - NATIONAL ACADEMIC COOPERATION PROGRAM IN THE AMAZON, Public Notice No. 21/2018 CAPES, Line 2. The project involves Graduate Programs in the Northern Region, represented PPLSA / UFPA as a proponent and PPGSAQ / UFOPA as an associate 2 and PPGL / UNIOESTE-Paraná, from the South Region as an associate 1.
Project Epidemiological Aspects of HBV and HCV Infections in Illicit Drug Users in the States of Amapá and Pará, Northern Brazil, financed by the Ministry of Health / Health Surveillance Secretariat (MS / SVS), National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq).
Knowledge and Memories Project: The Indian Protection Service and the Afro-indigenous presence in the Amazon, funded by the Federal University of Pará (UFPA).
Project “The University-Company interaction process in the Amazonian Fisheries Sector and developments on the sustainability of the activity”, financed by the Federal University of Pará (UFPA).
Wide range of research aimed at languages and knowledge in traditional, indigenous and coastal communities in the Amazon, with a focus on Work and Childhoods, Rural Education, Youth and Adult Education, Curriculum, Teacher Training and Ethnic-Racial Relations, as well as studies related to Literary Theory, Comparative Literature, Brazilian Literature of Amazonian expression, Immigration, Images, Narratology and the Great Projects of Transamazônica. Coastal Socio-Environmental Studies, environmental resources in the mangroves of the Extractive Reserve area, eating habits and conflicts in the Amazon, gender relations, knowledge of the Amazon, Indigenous Ethnology and Sustainability of the Amazonian Fishing Sector.