"THE KALEIDOSCOPE AND MATERIAL CULTURE: MOVEMENT, IMAGES AND REFRACTIONS", an event that will feature a lecture by PhD Prof Margarida Louro Felgueiras (Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University of Porto, Portugal - FPCEUP, and mediation by PhD Prof Rogério Andrade Maciel and scholarship holder Luis Henrique dos Reis Silva.

It will take place on 05/27/2024, at 10am, via google meet (https://meet.google.com/gzc-spqw-eku). Take part!

The new website of the postgraduate program in languages and knowledges in the Amazon region (PPLSA) of the Federal University of Pará (UFPA) is now available. The page was developed from the standard template, using criteria of usability and portability.

Upcoming dissertation Defenses


Title: IMAGE representation of Samir in the MUSEUM of SACRED ART OUR LADY of the ROSARY: a relationship with the source of the Marian cult in the early days of Christianity.

Author: Aldilene Legaspi

Venue: UFPA-Campus Bragança-classroom PPLSA

Time: 9:00


Title: CORPUS CHRISTI in the PAPAL BULL of HOC TRANSITURUS WORLD: the relationship between the sacred and the profane and their Translation in Cultural Capanema-PA

Author: Adriana Lee

Venue: UFPA-Campus Bragança-classroom PPLSA

Time: 2:00 pm