"THE KALEIDOSCOPE AND MATERIAL CULTURE: MOVEMENT, IMAGES AND REFRACTIONS", an event that will feature a lecture by PhD Prof Margarida Louro Felgueiras (Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University of Porto, Portugal - FPCEUP, and mediation by PhD Prof Rogério Andrade Maciel and scholarship holder Luis Henrique dos Reis Silva.

It will take place on 05/27/2024, at 10am, via google meet (https://meet.google.com/gzc-spqw-eku). Take part!

PPLSA RESEARCH WEDNESDAYS - Theme: "'À la recherche du temps futur' (‘Insearch of future time’): Brazil-France scientific cooperation in climate research on the Brazilian Amazon (1950-1990)". The event will take place on May 29th, at 4pm, via google meet (https://meet.google.com/igg-ndmr-htt), and will have the participation of the speaker Dominichi Miranda de Sá (Casa de Oswaldo Cruz/ Oswaldo Cruz Foundation) and Érico Silva Muniz (PPLSA/UFPA) as a debater. Take part!

LECTURE - Ethnicity and engaged research: the academic career of a Romani woman (a gypsy). It will take place on May 23rd, at 9:30am, in room 9 of the PPLSA (block 2), with the presence of Prof. Dr. Claudia Nunes (Federal University of Sergipe - UFS). Take part!