Corpo docente


He has a degree in Biomedicine, Specialization in Teaching, Master and Doctorate in Genetics and Molecular Biology. Participates in teaching, research and extension projects addressing the themes: Genetics of Microorganisms, Viral Hepatitis, Sexually Transmitted Infections, Use of Psychotropic Drugs, Investigations in Vulnerable Populations and Knowledge of Population Groups on Health and Environment.

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     Ana Paula   ANA PAULA VIEIRA E SOUZA Lattes

Doctorate in Education at the Public Educational Policies Line at the Federal University of Pará. Professor at the Federal University of Pará at the University Campus of Bragança. Master in Education at the Curriculum and Teacher Training Line at UFPA. Specialist in Teaching / Learning the Portuguese Language at UFPA. Pedagogical and Graduated Training in Bilingual Executive Secretariat by UNAMA. Professor of the Languages and Knowledge in the Amazon Graduate Program (PPLSA) in the Education, Languages and Cultures in the Amazon. Researcher at the Work and Education Study and Research Group (GEPTE / NEB / UFPA) and at the Childhood Center in Bragança-PA. Develops studies and research on and with children, childhood, children's cultures, Child Labor, Work as an Educational Principle, Child Education, Teacher Training, Public Educational Policies for Children. Child Social History in the Bragantine Amazon. She holds the position of Director of the Teaching Division of the University Campus of Bragança.

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He has a degree in History from the Federal University of Pará (1999), a master's degree in Anthropology from the Federal University of Pará (2002), a doctorate and a post-doctorate in History from the Federal Fluminense University (2012 and 2015). He is currently an adjunct professor at the Federal University of Pará. He has experience in the areas of History and Anthropology, working mainly on the following themes: Post-World War II memories in the European West, civil-military dictatorship in Brazil, major integration projects in Brazil and in South America, borders, Health and Environmental History, Transamazônica, Xingu, migration.

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Professor at the Faculty of History of the University Campus of Bragança, Federal University of Pará (FAHIST / UFPA). He has a degree in History (Bachelor and Licenciatura, 2006) from Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF) with master's degree (2009) and doctorate (2014) in History from Oswaldo Cruz House of Oswaldo Cruz Foundation with sandwich period at the University of Toronto, Canada (2012) ) and post-doctorate in History at UFPA (2017). He is currently Deputy Director of FAHIST / UFPA. Research on Theory and methodology of History is dedicated; social policies in historical perspective; Social History of the Amazon, History of Public Health; History of Sciences; History of Republican Brazil; History of Food, gender studies.

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He holds a degree in Languages. Qualification in Portuguese Language by the Federal University of Pará (2001) and Qualification in English Language by the Federal University of Pará (2003). Specialist in Portuguese Language (2004) by the Federal University of Pará. Specialist in History of Brazil: Cultural Diversity by the Pontifice Catholic University of Minas Gerais (PUC / MG) (2012). Master’s in Languages: Linguistics and Literary Theory from the Federal University of Pará (UFPA) (2004), Doctor in Development Planning from the Federal University of Pará (PDTU / NAEA / UFPA) (2012). Thesis title: Spanish immigration in the Amazon: Agricultural colonies and socioeconomic development in the Northeast of Pará (1890-1920). Former FAPESPA fellow (Fundação do Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Pará) (2010-2012). Researcher, linked to the research group of Professor Luis E. Aragón, Research Group on the Environment, Population and Development of the Amazon (MAPAZ), from the Center for High Amazon Studies at the Federal University of Pará (NAEA / UFPA). Coordinator of GELCONPE- Study Group of Comparative Literature of the Northeast of Pará. He is currently an adjunct professor III (UFPA) and deputy coordinator of the Languages and Knowledge in the Amazon Graduate Program, (PPGLSA). He has experience in the area of Literature, with an emphasis on Theory of Literature, with a focus on Comparative Literature and in interdisciplinary discussions.    

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Doctorate in Environmental Biology, with emphasis on Biology of Organisms in the Amazon Coastal Zone, by the Environmental Biology Graduate Program (PPBA). He holds a Master's degree in Environmental Biology - Emphasis on Ecology of Coastal and Estuarine Ecosystems from the Federal University of Pará (2004); Specialization in Educational System Management by the University Center of the State of Pará (2004); degree in Pedagogy from the Federal University of Pará (2002). He is currently an Tenured Professor at the Federal University of Pará in the chair of Educational Planning and Management (Assistant I); Researcher at the Mangrove Ecology Laboratory (UFPA); Researcher at the Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA). He has experience in Research, Extension and Teaching projects, for example, Program Management and Dynamics in Mangrove Areas (MADAM), JICA, FUNTEC, Milênio, Universal and others. It operates mainly in the areas of Mangrove Ecology, Environmental Education, Education, Environment, Sustainable Management, Public Policies and People considered Traditional and Coastal, Educational Planning and Management.

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Professor of Literary Theory at the Federal University of Pará (Graduation) and PPGL / Belém and Languages and Knowledge in the Amazon Graduate Program / UFPA - Campus Bragança. Postdoctoral fellow at the Interdisciplinary Center for Narratology (ICN) Universityof Hamburg / Germany, with CAPES scholarship, 2014/2015. Occupation of the Chair of Brazilian Studies Sérgio Buarque de Holanda (Free University of Berlin and DAAD), 2013/2014. Post-doctorate at the Universities of Osnabrück and Constança / Germany, with a scholarship from CAPES, 2004/2005. Doctorate from the FFLCH at the University of São Paulo, 1995, with a thesis on the reception of Walter Benjamin in Brazil (book / CD, 2006); Master by the Institute for the History of Literature and German Language at the University of Munich: Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, 1985, with a study on the philosophy of language in W.Benjamin (book, 1992). Works in the Research Lines: Literature - Interpretation, circulation and reception (PPGL - Master and Doctorate at UFPA, Belém); Cultural Reading and Translation (PPGLSA - Master of UFPA, Bragança). Research on Walter Benjamin, Dalcídio Jurandir, Literature of and about Amazonia, Reception Theory, Fictionality / Factuality, Narratology.

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Doctorate in Education from the Federal University of Pará (2014) Master’s in Education from the Federal University of Pará (2007). I am currently an adjunct professor at the Faculty of Education at the Bragança University Campus at the Federal University of Pará. In teaching, I have taught activities in the areas of Educational Psychology, Developmental and Learning Psychology, Oral and Written Psychogenesis, Inclusive Education, Youth Education and Adults. Supervised Internship in Youth and Adult Education and Rural Education. In extension I have developed projects in the areas of continuing education for EJA educators. Literacy and Schooling for Young People and Adults in the Countryside. Organization of social movements. In research I have worked in the field of Social Representations; Teacher Training Youth and Adult Education; Youth, Rural Education, Knowledge and Cultural Practices, Strategies and Knowledge Production.

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He has a degree in History from the Federal University of Pará UFPA (1999), master's degree in Anthropology from the Federal University of Pará UFPA (2002) and doctorate in Social Sciences in the specialty Cultural and Social Anthropology from the Institute of Social Sciences of the University of Lisbon (ICS) and he is an adjunct professor at the Federal University of Pará and Coordinator of the Languages and Knowledge in the Amazon Graduate Program (PPLSA). He has experience in the field of Anthropology, with an emphasis on Urban Anthropology, Health Anthropology, Indigenous Ethnology working mainly on the following themes: sexuality, health, illness, body, syphilis, AIDS and prostitution, indigenous education, indigenous health.   

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Adjunct Professor and Vice-coordinator of the Faculty of Education (FACED), UFPA / Campus de Bragança. Doctorate and Master in Environmental Biology. Specialist in domestic violence against children and adolescents. Coordinates the Environmental Education Study Group (GUEAM) - FACED / UFPA \ Campus de Bragança. She integrates as a researcher the Group of coastal socio-environmental studies (ESAC) - FACED / UFPA \ Campus de Bragança. Researcher at the Paulo Freire Chair in the Amazon.   . 

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Possui graduação em Geografia e História - Universitat de Barcelona (1987), mestrado em História de América Contemporâea - Universidad Central de Venezuela (1995), doutorado em História Econômica pela Universidade de São Paulo (1998) e pós-doutorado Universidad de Salamanca-Espanha (2005). Professor Associado Faculdade de História da Universidade Federal do Pará, tem experiência na área de História, com ênfase em História Contemporânea do Brasil e América Latina, atuando principalmente nos seguintes áreas: história regional e local do Estado do Pará, história política, econômica, social e cultural da Amazônia e história oral. Coordenador da III Conferência Estadual do Meio Ambiente do Estado do Pará (2008). Diretor Região Norte Associação Brasileira de História Oral - ABHO (1999-2003 e 2010-2012). Coordenador do Grupo de Pesquisa do CNPq História do Tempo Presente na Amazônia. Membro do Conselho de História do Centro Sérgio Buarque de Holanda (Fundação Perseu Abramo). Membro do Conselho Editorial e Redação da Editora Página 13. Representante da ANPUH-Nacional no Conselho Consultivo do "Projeto Memórias Reveladas" (Arquivo Nacional-RJ). Professor do Programa de Pós-graduação em História Social da Amazônia - PPHIST/UFPA (mestrado/doutorado); professor dos programas de mestrado Linguagens e Saberes na Amazônia (UFPA-Bragança) e ProfHistória (UFPA-Ananindeua).

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 Doctorate in Education from the Federal University of Pará (UFPA), Research Line: Education: Curriculum, Epistemology and History, Master in Education (UFPA), Research Line: Curriculum and Teacher Training. Adjunct Professor A at the Federal University of Pará, Bragança University Campus, Faculty of Education. Professor of the Languages and Knowledge in the Amazon (PPLSA), Research Line: Education, Culture and Society. Researcher at the Center for Studies and Research on Teacher Education and Ethnic-Racial Relations (GERA / UFPA). Director of Academic Areas of the Brazilian Association of Black Researchers - ABPN (2017-2018). Associated with ANPED - National Association of Graduate Studies and Research in Education, ANPAE - National Association of Education Policy and Administration and ABPN. Graduated in Pedagogy from the University of the Amazon (UNAMA). She has experience in Education, with emphasis on Ethnic-Racial Relations, Curriculum, Teacher Training, Educational Policy, Basic and Didactic Education, acting mainly on the following themes: Culture and Education; Ethnic-Racial Relations; Curriculum, Teacher Training; Teaching African History and Afro-Brazilian Culture. Quilombola, Coastal, Rural and Urban Communities and their representations in Amazonian territories; Affirmative Action Policy; Anti-racist legislation; social movements, with emphasis on the performance of the Brazilian black movement..E-mail:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. She holds a degree in HISTORY from Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita (UNESP / Assis in 1999), Master in History from Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP in 2006), Doctorate in History from Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP in 2010) and Post-doctorate in History from the Federal University of Espírito Santo (UFES). He is currently an Assistant Professor IV, at the Federal University of Pará, a professor accredited to the following graduate programs: 1) Languages and Knowledge in the Amazon Graduate Program; and, 2) PROFHISTORIA, UFPA-Ananindeua campus. He is a leader and develops research projects recognized by CNPq with the titles: 1) "Implementation of Classical Studies in Pará: Studies on Gender, Discourses, Religiosity and Uses and Customs in the Past in Classical Antiquity to Late Antiquity"; and 2) VIVARIUM - Laboratory for the Study of Antiquity and the Middle Ages - NÚCLEO NORTE. Researcher in the following CNPq Certified Research Groups: 1) Written Culture and Orality in Antiquity and the Middle Ages - ARCHEA; 2) Ancient and Medieval History Laboratory - LABHAM. Associate Professor at the Laboratory of Studies on the Roman Empire - (LEIR / UFES). Post-doctorate by the Social History of Political Relations Graduate Program with the Project: "FROM PAULO TO GNOSTICS: DISCUSSIONS ON GENDER AND PRIESTHOOD IN THE PAULINE AND GNOSTIC COMMUNITIES AMONG THE MIDDLE OF THE FIRST TO THE FOURTH CENTURY", under the supervision of Professor Gilvan Ventura da Silva. He is part of the researcher of the International Cooperation Research Project "Daily life, sociability and uses of space in the Roman Empire (Edital Capes / FCT 39-2014)", between Brazil and Portugal, with Professor Gilvan Ventura da Silva (UFES as coordinator) ) and Maria Manuela dos Reis Martins (UNIVERSIDADE DO MINHO / PORTUGAL). He works mainly on the following themes: Ancient History - Roman Empire - Cultural History - Genre - Primitive Christianity -corpus paulinum - NagHammadi– Gnosticism.E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Roberta Sá Leitão Barboza completed her doctorate in Aquatic Ecology and Fisheries at the Federal University of Pará in 2012. She is currently a professor at the Federal University of Pará, working alongside the Bachelor's degree in Fisheries Engineering. Develops research with indigenous communities, quilombolas and artisanal fishermen in the Amazon. He has experience in the area of Human Ecology working mainly on the following themes: Local Ecological Knowledge, Participatory Management of Natural Resources, Fisheries Sociology, Ethnobiology, Aquatic Chelonians, Conservation and Management of the Amazon Fauna. Coordinator of the coastal socioenvironmental research group (ESAC) and of the Extension Program entitled “Artisans of the waters: program to enhance artisanal carpenters and the fishing naval heritage of the Amazon”. Works on the research project “Embarking on local knowledge of fishing in the Amazon”. Participates in the Freire Chair in the Amazon.E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. She holds a degree in Biology by the Federal University of Pará (1995), Master in Environmental Biology by the Federal University of Pará (2002), Doctorate in Science Education by the Federal University of Pará / IEMCI (2014). Adjunct Professor Level IV (Ordinance 171/2017) at the Federal University of Pará, Faculty of Biological Sciences, Campus de Bragança.E-mail:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Doutor em Ciências Sociais (UFPA-2013). Mestre em Ecologia de Ecossistemas Costeiros (UFPA-2008). Bacharel e Licenciado em Ciências Sociais (UFPA-1995).Doctorate in Social Sciences (UFPA-2013). Master in Ecology of Coastal Ecosystems (UFPA-2008). Bachelor and Degree in Social Sciences (UFPA-1995). He is currently Coordinator of the University Campus of Bragança (UFPA). Adjunct Professor II, Faculty of Education, Campus de Bragança (UFPA). Has experience in Sociology, focusing on Sociology, State, Social Movements. Member of the University Group of Education and Literacy of Youth and Adults (GUEAJA). Member of the Coastal Socio-Environmental Studies Research Group (ESAC).E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Graduated in BACHELOR IN PSYCHOLOGY from the Federal University of Pará (1990), graduated in PSYCHOLOGY from the Federal University of Pará (1991), master's degree in Anthropology from the Federal University of Pará (2006), doctorate in Social Sciences from the Federal University of Pará (2014) ) and Center de RechercheSurLactionLocale - Université Paris 13 (Paris-Nord) - Villetaneuse Campus (2014). She is currently an adjunct professor I at the Federal University of Pará and coordinates the Pará Maranhão Intercultural Studies and Research Group - GEIPAM and the research line & quot; Indigenous health, Public Policies and interdisciplinarity of the Study Group on Indigenous Peoples - GEPI. He has experience in the areas of Indigenous History and Indigenism, Sociology of local action and Anthropology, with an emphasis on Anthropology of indigenous health, acting mainly on the following themes: knowledge, indigenous health practices, territoriality and ethnicity.E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.